ver.2.09.00 - January 28 2023 -------------------------------------------------- - Modified the frame properties window. - [Color Palette] Added "Merge Color" to the menu. - [Export] Modified file name specification for multiple files output. - [Browser] Added some items to the preferences. - [Browser] Modified preview process. ver.2.08.24 - October 18 2022 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed version data. - Fixed update check. ver.2.08.22 - October 12 2022 -------------------------------------------------- - Modified grid snapping. - Modified flipping images horizontal. ver.2.08.21 - December 23 2018 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed a bug when delete or cut part of an image. - Fixed a bug when changing active frame. ver.2.08.20 - December 15 2018 -------------------------------------------------- - Modified to keep selection after delete or cut part of an image. - Modified the method to delete frames. - Fixed a bug in calculating font size in for main menu. ver.2.08.19 - December 9 2018 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed a bug when pasting an image with alpha-channel. - Fixed a bug of the caption for zoom value. - Fixed a bug in calculating font size in for main menu. - [Browser] Fixed a bug when loading image files. - [Browser] Fixed a bug of preview. ver.2.08.18 - December 6 2018 -------------------------------------------------- - [Preferences] Added 'Play From Current Frame' in shortcut keys. - [Preferences] Added 'Execute Flood Fill Directly' in shortcut keys. - [Preferences] Modified the method to specify a shortcut key. - [Preferences] Modified treatment of the method to specify a shortcut key. Note: The method to specify the middle mouse button and mouse wheel up/down has been changed. ver.2.08.17 - December 4 2018 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed a bug when fill. ver.2.08.16 - December 3 2018 -------------------------------------------------- - Modified to not lock a folder. - Added ability to change the font in main menu. - Added support of shortcut-keys for preview menu items. - Added the 'Play From First Frame' button in toolbar. ver.2.08.15 - November 27 2018 -------------------------------------------------- - Modified zoom behavior. - Fixed a bug when resizing layer list. ver.2.08.14 - November 12 2018 -------------------------------------------------- - Added ability to scroll by middle mouse button. ver.2.08.13 - November 10 2018 -------------------------------------------------- - Added ability to use Ctrl + mouse wheel to zoom. - Modified to load pen and tile images with any bpp. - Layer's lock behavior in all frames' commands has been modified. - Old temporary folders are now deleted automatically. - [Adjust Color] Added the Preview option. ver.2.08.12 - October 23 2018 -------------------------------------------------- - [Fill] Fixed a bug. - Fixed a bug in pasteing an image from a file. ver.2.08.11 - July 31 2018 -------------------------------------------------- - Modified to keep the last file type for 'Saving a Copy'. - [Fill] Added 9-slicing type for arrangement options. - [Fill] Fixed a bug that transparent color didn't work effectively. - [Fill] Fixed a bug in loading a source image. ver.2.08.10 - July 15 2018 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed a bug of selection by right dragging. ver.2.08.09 - July 12 2018 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed a bug in duplicating an image. - Fixed a bug of selection by right dragging. ver.2.08.08 - July 8 2018 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed a bug in pasting into a layer. - [Preview] Added 'Fill with Background Color' option. ver.2.08.06 - June 15 2018 -------------------------------------------------- - Corrected misspelling in the UI. - Modified an error occurred in pasting layer. ver.2.08.05 - June 9 2018 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed a bug in drawing text. ver.2.08.04 - June 5 2018 -------------------------------------------------- - Modified the problem for high resolution monitors. ver.2.08.03 - May 8 2018 -------------------------------------------------- - Modified the display method for a selected image. ver.2.08.02 - April 25 2018 -------------------------------------------------- - Modified the display method for a selected image. - Corrected mistakes in the English UI. ver.2.08.01 - April 17 2018 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed bug of Selection tools. ver.2.08.00 - March 18 2018 -------------------------------------------------- - Support for TIFF file format. ver.2.07.09 - March 8 2018 -------------------------------------------------- - Horizontal wheel scrolling has been available. - [Preview] Added 'Fit Window To Image' option. ver.2.07.08 - December 18 2017 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed bug of color depth reduction. ver.2.07.07 - October 22 2017 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed bug of changing layer properties. ver.2.07.06 - October 17 2017 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed bug of Selection tools. ver.2.07.05 - October 15 2017 -------------------------------------------------- - [Fill] Fixed a bug of preview. ver.2.07.04 - October 11 2017 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed bug of Selection tools. - Fixed a bug occured when preserving transparency. ver.2.07.03 - September 26 2017 -------------------------------------------------- - Modified to be able to subtract from a selection using by Alt key. ver.2.07.02 - September 24 2017 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed a bug when pasting an image. ver.2.07.01 - September 24 2017 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed a bug when pasting an image. ver.2.07.00 - September 16 2017 -------------------------------------------------- - [Fill] Added the Gradient. - [Fill] Fixed a bug for alpha-channel. - [Preferences] Added 'Edit Invisible Layer' option. - Fixed a bug when pasting an image. - Fixed a bug occured when rotating an image. ver.2.06.05 - September 4 2017 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed a bug of multilingual UI. - Fixed bugs in tiling windows horizontally or vertically. ver.2.06.04 - August 19 2017 -------------------------------------------------- - [Import From Multi Files] Modified to enlarge canvas size to fit the largest image. - [Import From Multi Files] Added 'Horizontal Alignment' and 'Vertical Alignment' options. - [Import From Combined Image] Modified to be able to get an image from clipboard. ver.2.06.03 - August 16 2017 -------------------------------------------------- - [Export] Added 'Trim Transparent Pixels' option. - [Export] Modified processing to output alpha-channel to file. ver.2.06.02 - July 27 2017 -------------------------------------------------- - Added the Start position property in advanced custom-grid. - Fixed a bug when storing the settings of custom-grid. - Fixed bugs for an invisible layer. - Fixed a bug when pasting an image. ver.2.06.01 - July 4 2017 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed a bug in storing data to the registry. - Released the Portable version. ver.2.06.00 - June 18 2017 -------------------------------------------------- - Corrected a mistake of a window title. - Modified to take over the configuration for a freeware version. ver.2.05.11 - May 28 2017 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed a bug to open a link file. - Fixed a bug to draw text. - Fixed a bug to resize tool windows. ver.2.05.10 - May 13 2017 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed a bug to undo a change of RGB value. - Fixed a bug of the onion skin. ver.2.05.09 - April 14 2017 -------------------------------------------------- - Modified to be not able to paste into an invisible layer. - Fixed a bug to paste into a layer with alpha-channel. - Modifed to open a link file by drag&drop. - [Pen] Modified to be not add a history when clicking an outside of a canvas. - [Color Replacer] Modified to be not add a history when clicking an outside of a canvas. - [Color Replacer] Modified the behavior when replacing by holding down the Shift-key or the Alt-key. ver.2.05.08 - April 3 2017 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed a bug of an animation preview. - [Preferences] Added 'Next Paint Mode', 'Previous Paint Mode' in the short-cut keys. ver.2.05.07 - February 18 2017 -------------------------------------------------- - Advanced Custom-Grid was added. - [Preferences] Transparent color can be selected as a grid color. - Fixed a bug to lock toolbars. ver.2.05.06 - February 11 2017 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed a bug caused in changing the window focus. - [Preferences] Added 'Select Next Color', 'Select Previous Color' in the short-cut keys. ver.2.05.05 - February 7 2017 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed a bug that the screen was distorted when using a pen. ver.2.05.04 - February 5 2017 -------------------------------------------------- - Modified frames' properties to be able to undo. - Fixed a bug when a window is inactive. ver.2.05.03 - January 26 2017 -------------------------------------------------- - [Fill] Added Arrangement option. - Modified the HSL and HSV adjustment method in the color palette. - Toolbars and tool windows can be locked. ver.2.05.02 - January 14 2017 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed a bug to resize the frame window. ver.2.05.01 - January 9 2017 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed a bug for single instance. - Fixed a bug for export. - Modified UI for Hi DPI. - Fixed a bug to display selection. ver.2.05.00 - December 18 2016 -------------------------------------------------- - [Draw Text] A color can be selected from an image by the left click. - A size of Custom-grid can be input in divided number. - Modified loading jpeg. ver.2.04.11 - December 17 2016 -------------------------------------------------- - Modified displaying Custom-grid. ver.2.04.10 - December 15 2016 -------------------------------------------------- - Modified loading bmp. - Modified loading jpeg. - Modified the input processing for Custom-grid. - Modified language system. ver.2.04.09 - December 11 2015 -------------------------------------------------- - Modified language system for the New dialog. - Modified loading bmp. - Added the 'Check for update' in the help menu. - Added the 'Last Frame' in the repeat section window for preview. - [Preferences] Added the 'Automatically check for update'. - [Browser] Modified language system. ver.2.04.08 - November 19 2015 -------------------------------------------------- - Modified Selection tools. - Fixed a bug when displaying layer thumbnails. - Modified language system - Fixed a bug when filling with an image of clipboard. - Modified 'Paste Layer' to support alpha channel. - Modified 'Export as combined image' to support alpha channel. - Added 32bit in bpp list of New window. - Modified process of pasting a single RGB value. - [Magic Wand] Modified for an image with alpha channel. - [Color Selection] Modified for an image with alpha channel. - [Flood Fill] Modified for an image with alpha channel. ver.2.04.07 - August 1 2015 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed a bug when specifying a color value. - [Browser] Fixed a bug when displaying thumbnails. ver.2.04.06 - July 22 2015 -------------------------------------------------- - Added the 'Combine Down' in the layer menu. - Move multiple frames by using drag and drop. - Added text formatting tags for a frame name. - A name is editable when editing multiple frames' properties. - The caption of a OK button is changeable. - [Preferences] Added the 'Does Not Ask in Combining Layers'. - [Preferences] Added the default frame name. - [Browser] Fixed a bug of the preview. ver.2.04.05 - July 11 2015 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed a bug when saving an indexed-color image as an image with alpha-channel. ver.2.04.04 - July 8 2015 -------------------------------------------------- - Displays the 'Current Image' in the list of alpha-channel sources. - Added the 'Clipboard' in the list of alpha-channel sources. - Added the 'Move Selection' to the Edit menu. - [Adjust Color] Added the 'Preserve Transparency' option. - [Export] Modified to output a combined image with alpha-channel exactly. - [Browser] Added the 'Auto Refresh' option. - [Browser] Opens the context menu using the application key. - [Browser] Fixed a bug of the preview. - [Browser] Disabled the dialog-box for ico files. ver.2.04.03 - December 6 2014 -------------------------------------------------- - Added 'Deselect' in Edit menu. - Modified icons for UI. ver.2.04.02 - November 23 2014 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed bug of Undo. ver.2.04.01 - September 17 2014 -------------------------------------------------- - Improved resampling of an image with alpha-channel. - [Browser] Modified preview. ver.2.04.00 - August 7 2014 -------------------------------------------------- - Changed the system for saving an image with alpha channel and multiple layers. - [Export] Added the Padding setting. - [Export] Added new attributes for CSV output. - [Preferences] Fixed bug in saving settings. ver.2.03.24 - May 26 2014 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed bug of 'Fill' - [Browser] Support alpha channel ver.2.03.23 - May 15 2014 -------------------------------------------------- - Added playback sequence function for preview - Fixed a bug of display ver.2.03.22 - March 11 2014 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed a bug of display ver.2.03.21 - February 7 2014 -------------------------------------------------- - Modified a bug of export - The option 'With Alpha Channel' will be placed anytime an image saved as TGA - [Browser] Modified a bug in renaming a file - [Browser] Modified the date option of the Search ver.2.03.20 - October 23 2013 ================================================== - Modified loading gif ver.2.03.19 - October 3 2013 -------------------------------------------------- - Added delete history function for text tool - Fixed threading bug - Fixed the bug with saving multiple files - [Browser] Added search function - [Browser] Fixed threading bug ver.2.03.18 - August 17 2013 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed the bug of saving a file when ending the application ver.2.03.17 - June 13 2013 ================================================== - Modified loading gif ver.2.03.16 - June 2 2013 -------------------------------------------------- - Modified a bug of 'Pick Color' - Modified pasting image ver.2.03.15 - February 12 2013 -------------------------------------------------- - [Preferences] The option 'Use Wacom Tablet' was added - Modifed a bug in layer list - Modified a bug of 'Copy Display Image' - Modified a bug of 'Fill' - Modified a bug in pasting high-color image ver.2.03.14 - January 23 2013 ================================================== - [Pen] Supported the eraser function of digitizer pen - [Color Replacer] Supported the eraser function of digitizer pen ver.2.03.13 - December 20 2012 ================================================== - Modified a bug in dock menu ver.2.03.12 - December 13 2012 ================================================== - Added 'Tile' in preview menu - Added 'Draggable' in dock menu ver.2.03.11 - July 23 2012 ================================================== - Modified saving JPEG - Modified text tool ver.2.03.10 - July 7 2012 ================================================== - Modified the problems of UI ver.2.03.09 - June 12 2012 ================================================== - [Preferences] The option 'Pick Color by Alt-Click' was added - Modified saving AVI ver.2.03.08 - February 14 2012 ================================================== - Modified Copy when no selection is made - Web color value can be pasted into color palette - [Browser] Refreshes images when files are updated - [Browser] Added 'Open Folder' in file menu ver.2.03.07 - February 6 2012 ================================================== - Modified Copy/Paste so that the unselected area become transparent - Modified the memory management - Mouse cursor will be updated as soon as the tool mode is changed - The option 'With Alpha Channel' will be placed anytime an image saved as PNG - [Lasso] Supports the selecting by the continuous click - [Preferences] The option 'Show Grid' has been added ver.2.03.06 - December 15 2011 ================================================== - Added 'Open Pen/Tile Folder' in color palette menu ver.2.03.05 - December 7 2011 ================================================== - Modified loading gif ver.2.03.04 - August 23 2011 ================================================== - Added HSV control in a color palette - Added 'Show Custom-Grid' in View menu - Modified a bug in pasting layer ver.2.03.03 - July 18 2011 ================================================== - Modified a bug in changing RGB value - Modified a bug of Pen ver.2.03.02 - July 14 2011 ================================================== - Modified a bug of a color palette box ver.2.03.01 - July 14 2011 ================================================== - Modified a bug of toolbars ver.2.03.00 - July 8 2011 ================================================== - Added 'Modify Selection' in Edit menu - Added 'Stroke' in Edit menu - Added 'Image Position' in 'Enlarge Canvas' - Transparent color is effective when an image is pasted into another image - [Connect Line] added stair-step line - [Pen] Draws a line with Shift or Alt key - Modified 'Add Frame' and 'Duplicate Frame' - [Properties] BG color is selectable from a color palette box - Custom-grid is displayed in a loupe - Modified a bug of Undo - Modified a bug of popup menu - [Preferences] Modified a bug in editing popup menu - Modified a bug of an option for color replacer - Modified a bug of resample - Modified toolbars - Active frame and layer can be changed when selection exists ver.2.02.01 - May 17 2011 ================================================== - Modified resampling - Modified loading file - Modified a bug in deleting frames ver.2.02.00 - May 6 2011 ================================================== - Added 'Default Delay' in Frame tab of Preferences - Added 'Selection by right dragging' in Tool tab of Preferences - Added 'Auto Save' in Save tab of Preferences - Added 'Alpha channel' in options of Batch Conversion - Modified a bug of frmae's properties - Added an opacity's value in percentage terms in layer's properties - Draw Text tool supported multi-line text - Modified a mouse cursor in Draw Text tool - Added OK button and Cancel button in Draw Text window - Modified a bug of a First Color ver.2.01.09 - February 9 2011 ================================================== - Added 'Backup' in Preferences - Modified a bug of export ver.2.01.08 - January 29 2011 ================================================== - Modified a bug that penpoint is left ver.2.01.07 - January 19 2011 ================================================== - Added sensitivity setting to pen and color replacer - Added 'Selected Frames' to frame's properties - Added 'Multiply' and 'Add' to Delay of frame's properties - Modified detail view of browser - Modified preview of browser ver.2.01.06 - December 11 2010 ================================================== - Modified saving tga - Modified Pasting layer - Modified loading process of browser ver.2.01.05 - August 27 2010 ================================================== - Modified docking of layer's window - Added Method for Single Palette in Properties - Modified Batch Conversion for .gal ver.2.01.04 - July 8 2010 ================================================== - Modified pasting image - Modified shortcut-key of 'Paste Layer' - Modified status bar - Modified saving/loading tga ver.2.01.03 - May 27 2010 ================================================== - Layer's functions - Add, Duplicate, Delete, Combine - supported multiple frames - 'Move Up' and 'Move Down' were added in Layer menu - First Color and Second Color supported transparent color - Modified algorithm of Oval - Modified Onion Skin - Modified Preview - Modified loading gif ver.2.01.02 - February 8 2010 ================================================== - Locked layers are not selected by 'Select All Layers' - Optimized 'Count Colors Used' - Modified loading AVI in 32 bpp format ver.2.01.01 - December 10 2009 ================================================== - Modified language system - Fixed a bug of toolbar in WindowsAero - Fixed a bug of fill function ver.2.01.00 - December 3 2009 ================================================== - Moved language resource to an external file - Modified interfaces of Effect, Rotate, Pasting RGB. - Added 'Mixed with Base Image' in DrawText - Added 'Synchronize Color of RGB Bar with Current Value' in Preferences - Added 'Palette Interface Size' in Preferences - Fixed a bug in combining layer - Fixed a bug in moving selection - Fixed a bug in locking layer ver.2.00.07 - November 9 2009 ================================================== - Changed directory of application's data files ver.2.00.06 - October 20 2009 ================================================== - Added 'Separate Animated Area' in Window menu - Modified Loupe - Fixed a bug in opening file ver.2.00.05 - September 3 2009 ================================================== - Fixed a bug of a status bar - Added Language in Preferences ver.2.00.04 - August 21 2009 ================================================== - Modified saving png ver.2.00.03 - July 9 2009 ================================================== - Fixed a bug of Cut - Fixed a bug of Select All ver.2.00.02 - July 8 2009 ================================================== - Added History window - Added Lock menu in layer list - Modified 'Combine Layers' - Fixed a bug of Copy - Modified layer list box - Modified Fill command - Modified locking layer ver.2.00.01 - June 30 2009 ================================================== - Modified so that selected image could move ver.2.00.00 - June 30 2009 ================================================== - Added a lock button in layer - Supports new color file formats(.act,.dpf) - Modified RGB slider - Modified HSL slider - Modified 'Combine' in layer ver.1.93.09 - May 19 2009 ================================================== - Modified saving gif - Modified high CPU process load of browser ver.1.93.08 - April 15 2009 ================================================== - Modified Loupe so that selection line is drawn - Modified preview ver.1.93.07 - March 4 2009 ================================================== - Modified text of new image's dialog-box - Modified font presets - Modified loading process of browser ver.1.93.06 - January 29 2009 ================================================== - Modified Batch Conversion ver.1.93.05 - January 27 2009 ================================================== - Added 'Save a Copy' in File menu - Added "Applies the above setting to also 'Paste New Image'" in Preferences - Modified exporting ver.1.93.04 - December 18 2008 ================================================== - Added 'Type' in 'Colors Depth' - Modified saving gif ver.1.93.03 - December 4 2008 ================================================== - Added 'Copy(32bpp)' in Edit menu - Added 'Maximum Undo Levels' in Preferences - Modified 'Load Palette' - Modified 'Fill' - Modified 'Magic Wand' and 'Selection By Color' - Fixed a bug of selection tool ver.1.93.02 - October 20 2008 ================================================== - Added 'Import From Combined Image' in File menu - Added 'Duplicate Image(s)' in Edit menu - Functions of 'All Frames' will not affect invisible layers - Selected area also will be copied into clipboard by 'Copy Display Image' - Modified Shortcut-key of 'Properties with Same Name' - Modified an error occurred in changing a current frame - Alpha channel of TGA was reverse - Modified loading AVI ver.1.93.01 - August 31 2008 ================================================== - Added 'Properties with Same Name' in Layer menu - Added 'Sets Transparent Color in Pasting layer' in Preferences - Added 'Play' in Preview menu - Modified Resample - Modified Loupe - Modified Pasting layer ver.1.93 - March 31 2008 ================================================== - Added 'Loupe' - Added 'Delete alpha channel when capturing screen' in Preferences - Fixed memory leak when frames are deleted - Modified so that frames with different canvas size can be pasted - Modified preview - Modified Batch Conversion ver.1.92 - October 29 2007 ================================================== - Modified a preview ver.1.91 - October 26 2007 ================================================== - Modified a preview ver.1.90 - October 25 2007 ================================================== - Modified a preview ver.1.89 - October 24 2007 ================================================== - Modified loading gif - Modified a preview ver.1.88 - September 5 2007 ================================================== - Modified a preview ver.1.87 - August 25 2007 ================================================== - Fixed a bug in closing all windows - Added 'Slope' function - Fixed a bug in loading AVI - Modified a preview - Added Preset in New image window ver.1.86 - June 12 2007 ================================================== - Fixed a bug in opening a file ver.1.85 - June 9 2007 ================================================== - Modified selection tools - Added Scroll functions in shortcut-keys - Added 'Input' in Custom-Grid menu - Added Min and Max in Auto zoom ver.1.84 - May 31 2007 ================================================== - Modified Resample - Modified drawing text - Modified duplicating frame and layer - Modified processing multiple instances - Modified a preview - Changed selection tools ver.1.83 - January 10 2007 ================================================== - Modified loading gif - Fixed a bug that magnification adjusting isn't workable in a maximized window - Keeps a last saved file's extension in memory - Copies hexadecimal to clipboard in copying RGB value - Makes a operation of changing a color value a undoable command - Displays a preview as full-color image - Added 'Frame Rate' to opening avi window - Added 'by Percent' to resample window - Keeps a status of Effect window in memory - Changed locations of directories which are used by an application ver.1.82 - February 8 2006 ================================================== - Fixed memory error ver.1.81 - February 6 2006 ================================================== - Modified loading jpeg - Modified saving tga ver.1.80 - January 9 2006 ================================================== - Modified save dialogbox ver.1.79 - December 30 2005 ================================================== - Fixed a bug caused in saving a file when a program terminates - Fixed memory leak - Modified position of dialog-boxes ver.1.78 - June 20 2005 ================================================== - Modified Color Depth - Modified process of loading a broken file - Modified saving/loading gif ver.1.77 - May 23 2005 ================================================== - Modified Greascale - Modified hiding tool-bars - Modified Import From Multiple Files - Modified process of changing color palette ver.1.76 - March 24 2005 ================================================== - Added Bookmark functions to Browser - Modified processing position of toolbar ver.1.75 - March 23 2005 ================================================== - Modified saving position of toolbar - Modified showing a dialog-box ver.1.74 - March 9 2005 ================================================== - Modified order of tool-buttons ver.1.73 - March 7 2005 ================================================== - Added "Toolbar width in a hidden state" in Preferences - Added "Delay time to hide toolbar" in Preferences - Modified docking frame window ver.1.72 - March 4 2005 ================================================== - Added "Auto Hide" in tool-bars - Added "Keep Away From Cursor" in preview window - Modified painting process ver.1.71 - March 1 2005 ================================================== - Modified help file ver.1.70 - February 16 2005 ================================================== - Modified mouse wheel control ver.1.69 - February 14 2005 ================================================== - Modified dragging frame - Modified control of a focus for edit box of RGB value ver.1.68 - January 28 2005 ================================================== - Released English edition